it was my first time to check-in at the airport on my own.
it's just a domestic flight, so its not such of a big thing,
but still, a first time is a first time.
i found myself people watching again,
while trying to figure out what next step i was supposed to do.
which should i do first?
the checking-in, or the paying of the terminal fee?
where the heck is the check-in booth and the baggage counter??
(im a big wreck when it comes to these kind of things)
i forget almost everything, as if it was my first time to travel as well.
i was scolding myself as i felt my heart beating faster,
Ola, this is the third time you're going to do this,
What, Are you suddenly suffering from a bad case of amnesia??"
i was panicking a little,
Well, what if I am!!! This is my first time, alone!
san ka na ba almira... pls hurry up.
i knew i was already over-reacting..
so i calmed my nerves and found myself laying eyes on a sign board.
i saw it, finally. Cebu pacific: Puerto Princessa
"Ahh.. there it is."
there was a long line forming.
(but the flight to Kalibo was much much longer)
most of the travelers are couples.
i was a bit jealous, to be honest.
while, I.. I was the only lone backpacker.
i was already contemplating on whether to board the flight or not, just in case almira will be excessively late.
i was preparing myself for the worst.
to my relief, almira made it right on time.
i can smile now. :)
fast forward >>>>>>>>>>>
Highlights of our gettaway:Butterfly Farm
first time i saw's a bit icky. but it's amazing to see them in groups. and I saw a lot of butterflies too! good thing they just flew over or pass me. (scared of insects).the under ground river.
another first! although its my second time to enter a cave (my first one was in sagada), this would be my first time to explore with us in a boat. it was quite a long trip. we have to travel by land for about two hours, and then board a banka for 20mins.
palawan is also famous for their limestones, and so we cannot pass up the chance to take a shot.Kalui's
Fear Factor Challenge: to eat Tamiluk, a local delicacy. The main ingredient? .~' worms.'
"Almira.. do we really have to do this.. parang di ko yata kaya.."
"Ola, ang arte mo ha.. nandito na tayo eh.." She said it's a must that we try, it's part of the tour.
i heaved a sigh.. i realized, i wont be able to get out of this one..
"Kuya, chopstick pls.."
I knew we were going to regret this, the moment the waiter laid our feast of worms on the table.
it doesn't even look a bit tasty.
Almira insisted that i go first.
"bat ako..."
i didnt have enough strength to argue, so i figured i might as well go for it.
Just pick the shortest darn thing, shove it to you mouth, and swallow.
don't think about it.
dont taste it.
Just swallow.Well, okay.. here goes..
i tried my hardest to push it down my throat.
"...Uggghh.. cold... and slimy.. tastes like worm.... Ugghh.." i washed the after-taste with my Sprite.
Almira, was smiling like a little kid.
Grin all you like, you're next.
It was a success!!! we were able to eat a whopping 2 worms (one for each!)
and gave the rest to manong tricycle driver.
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